Sunday, April 12, 2020

Hallelujah! He is Risen!

Easter 2020 blessings to you!

Today is unlike any Easter Christendom has experienced. But glory to God, COVID-19 has brought His word into so many homes than normal.

I began this Resurrection Sunday with Sunrise service at, followed by early service at my church Then regular morning news shows, "Meet the Press" and "This Week." I spoke with my Mom while the news shows were on. And then watched the live Easter TV broadcast from

In normal times, I wouldn't be able to physically attend all three of those services on the same day because of Houston's drive times and traffic. Because of the coronavirus, it was made possible!

Glory be to God for enabling this Easter Sunday to be a powerful witness for Him.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Wash your hands. Be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Wonder why the 'plague' is needed
    to wake-those-humans-up, to get'm
    OUT of their comfort zones?I'm glad
    you have the Wisdom2VitSeeBeyon
    this existence finite, gorgeous girl
    (yes, believe-me, you will be beyond
    stunning in the Great Beyond, dear).
    Now HeeHee here's my Wisdom for
    this lifelong demise,this time-bomb-power-trip which we won't make it
    out alive:
    ● ●
    Cya soon, adorable girl...
