Friday, September 19, 2014

Drama on Interstate 64

Of all the places for a vehicle to break down, I'd vote Interstate 64 at a busy interchange not one of the ideal places.

But that's what happened to me Thursday. I heard a pop -- like the sound of a Ping Pong ball hitting a window -- and then lights and warnings started flashing on the dash. STOP ENGINE NOW freaked me out so I pulled over and did just that. Grabbed everything I could and hopped out of the car -- and almost into traffic zooming by.

I have AAA, so that was no worry. Being on the side of that particular stretch of road was. Since just the night before a police officer and a firefighter were hit while assisting a motorist on the side of a local road. I decided I'd rather risk getting bit by ticks than hit by a semi or someone sending a text while zipping along at 70 mph. So I climbed over the guard rail and made my call and the wait for a tow in the grass.

East-bound view

Looking west bound
I'll be gracious and spare you the, er, let's just say irritated selfie that I took.

By the way, the wheels are up and running again. Thank you, Chris, Wally and Mr. Dalton!


  1. HOLY COW, what was wrong with the car?

  2. That was distressing. Cars are fragile things and all and they've got such a complicated internal structure that anyone of its components can make it all stop. Better watch out, I guess. You should really have it much more tightly wounded and built, so it will withstand any clinks and turns at the interstate in the future. All the best!

    Felicia Simmons @ Brandon Auto Repair

  3. Your post serves as a good reminder to your readers that they should check the car’s condition before their road trips. Having car issues in the middle of a trip is an annoying situation, and could ruin the trip for you altogether. Anyway, I do hope you won’t experience the same mishap ever again. Keep safe!

    Diane Wilson @ Fletcher Chrysler
