Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Loblolly Pines

My obsession with loblolly pines continues. The symmetry of three needles appeals to me.

The top photos were taken September 2015 in Newport News on The Noland Trail.

This one, still my favorite, was taken at Newport News Park in Spring 2014.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Girl's Night Out

What a blast we had at the new Wine & Design Oyster Point in Newport News. The place just recently opened and we decided to give it a try. 

Loads of fun!
Four of the seven creations. 

My interpretation.

Back row: Denise, Darlene, Andrea.
Front row: Cheryl, Jessica, Cassandra, Felicia.

Fire in the garage

Newspaper folk are supposed to report the news, not make it. But a DP staffer's car caught fire in the City Center at Oyster Point garage and caused quite the display.

She was fine. Was actually in the office when the blaze started. Her minivan, not so much. It was completely burned, and a truck parked next to it severely damaged.

The cause of the fire is still undetermined.

After the smoke and fire was contained by city fire crews.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Inspired by Nature

After a native plant walk with Virginia Master Naturalists and members
of the Native Plant Society, George and I decided to finish hiking the rest
of the trail.

There's nothing like a hike in the woods to inspire you. Here, it's not really the woods,  but the 5-mile Noland Trail on the grounds of The Mariners' Museum in Newport News, Va.

Encountered along the way. 

Lake Maury from one of the bridges along the trail.

Master Naturalist and native plant expert Susie Yager led 23 people on a native
 plant walk along a portion of the Noland Trail on Saturday, Sept. 5, 2015. She pointed out not only
 native plants and trees, but plants that have been introduced to the area.