A little exercise last week had me contemplating how summer is celebrated. I came up with a comparative then and now list.
- Go camping with Girl Scouts. Go camping with YMCA. Go camping with church group.
- Play outside.
- Walk barefoot – just about everywhere except church and while picking blackberries.
- Swimming – at the neighborhood pool; and at the shore in Cape May on vacation.
- At least three trips to Kennywood Park (amusement park outside Pittsburgh) for rollercoasters.
- Shorts and flipflops and watermelon and playing jacks on grandma’s front porch.
- Popsicles!
- Plant flowers; watch the garden grow.
- Some sort of car trip.
- Read books in the library’s summer reading program.
- Look at the calendar and wonder how it got to be summer! Wasn’t Christmas just last month???
- Vow to be swimsuit ready by Labor Day. (yeah, right!)
- Remind myself not to complain about the 90-100 degree heat because I complained about the winter’s cold.
- Fret that I’m going to miss summer.
- Plant flowers; tend to yard.
- Head to the beach!
- Read books in the library’s summer reading program.
- Hmm, I see a theme! :)
How do you celebrate summer?