Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Picture Prompt 1 -- Beachfront

The set-up: This photo was taken Saturday, March 22 at Yorktown Beach, Virginia. The day was sunny and warm.

Now for the fiction: What happened there 15 minutes later?

Friday, March 21, 2014

Writing Prompt Friday (#18)

People often ask what motivates a person to write. That motivation has to come from within. Something compels you to express yourself in words and imagery.

I keep myself surrounded by positive affirmations -- quotes and sayings and reminders that life me, spur me, prompt me and console me. For this week's Writing Prompt Friday, here are two quotes. Read them. Print them out. Record them in your journal. Carry them in your wallet or purse.

And for the writing prompt, pull out that journal and record your reaction to each.


“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
~ Thomas Edison ~

"Just because something is hard doesn't mean
 it's not God's will for you. 
Just because something is hard doesn't mean you can't do it."
~ Joyce Meyer ~

Friday, March 14, 2014

Writing Prompt Friday (#17)

It's Friday again. Yes, already! That means it's time for another writing prompt. Last week, I promised two weeks of journaling prompts. And here is the second. This set of two quotes is also about writing.

Read the quotes. Reflect on them for a moment. And then either put pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard.

Ready? Here you go --

"If you want to write believable fiction, you will have to cross over the line of your self-restraint and revel in the words and ideas that you would never express in your everyday life."
~ Walter Mosley ~

“You should be more willing to forgive yourself. It doesn't make any difference if you are good or bad today. The assessment of the product is something that happens after you've done it."
~ William Stafford, poet

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Serenity in chaos

What's the nature of serenity? Are you able to experience sereneness in the middle of chaos? If you think you can't, take a look at this photograph.

Path at Abernathy Garden in Newport News, Va.
It's a serene path adjacent to water of Lake Maury at historic Causey's Mill. It is calming, the perfect place for a mid-day walk in the woods.

But these aren't the woods. The path is actually in the middle of a busy city street and right next to a large hospital.

The Abernathy Garden at Riverside Regional Medical Center includes native flora, pathways, reflecting benches and a labyrinth. Among the plants there are azaleas, dogwood, viburnums and plenty of wildflowers.

If you look closely in the photo, just to the right of center above the path, you'll actually see some of the traffic whizzing by on the very busy Warwick Boulevard. But in the shelter of the trees there is peace, nature and a chance to find serenity in the midst of chaos.

Where will you find serenity today?

Friday, March 7, 2014

Writing Prompt Friday (#16)

This week and next week we'll be doing some journaling prompts. So pull out the journal or open the file and get ready.

Here are two quotes, both about writing. Read them, reflect on them and then write about them.

"The first thing you have to consider when writing a novel is your story,  
and then your story — and then your story!"

~ Ford Madox Ford ~

"Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can see 
only as far as your headlights,
 but you can make the whole trip that way."

~ E.L. Doctorow ~

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Creativity, color and quilts!

Quilters express the world around us in color, fabric and stitches. The riches of the 25th Annual Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival weren't hidden. They were all on beautiful display. The show ran Feb. 27-March 2, 2014, at the Hampton Roads Convention Center in Hampton, Va.

Here are a few of my favorites from the show (and yes, I need to take better pictures with the mobile!):